This section brings together different tools intended for families, employees and the First Nations communities and population.


COVID-19 and Vaccines Toolkit

My Vaxx Journey

Brochure on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy

COVID-19 VACCINES have arrived in First Nations across Canada

Public service announcements about COVID-19 vaccines

Proof of vaccination for Indigenous Peoples and Northerners in remote communities

COVID-19 Vaccination in Pregnancy

COVID-19 vaccines: Get the facts

Tool Kit for Health Care Providers

Make sure you have the facts about COVID-19 vaccination


Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Program | COVID-19 Questions and Answers

Healing in Pandemic Times

Sexual and Reproductive Health During COVID-19

The importance of resilience in a pandemic context

Mental health and wellness in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Stress, anxiété et déprime associés à la maladie à coronavirus (French only)

Stress Management


Violence Intervention

Mental Health Intervention

Coping With Stress, Anxiety, And Substance Use During Covid-19

Mental Health and Substance Use Support

Stress Reduction Exercises

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Awareness resources

Behind the Mask

The 7 sacred teachings in the context of the pandemic

Planning for Food Security: A toolkit for the COVID-19 Pandemic

Adults: Strategies for coping with mental health and addictions

Substance Use Disorders


Services provided in Treatment Centres

Managing Stress, Anxiety And Substance Use During Covid-19: A Resource For Healthcare Providers

COVID-19, Alcohol and Cannabis Use

Détresse en période de COVID-19 (French only)

Canada Self-Assessment Tool and App

Awareness Activites

Milo's Boundaries

Resilience during the COVID-19 crisis: Supporting vulnerable families

The mistreatment of older adults

Covid-19 Journal & Activity Book

Activity Guide

Looking out for our 6-12 years old

Taking care of seniors and facilitating their daily routine

Virtual Toolbox (FNEC)

Parenting during COVID-19

Breaking the isolation of seniors and vulnerable people in a pandemic context

You as me

Activity Guide - Volume 2

Protect Our People, Stay Healthy - Keep Safe

Youth: Strategies for getting throught this together

Looking out for our 12-18 years old

Looking out for our 0-5 years old

Parents toolbox (French only)

Fact sheet 6: Transitioning To Summer (FNQLHSSC)

Covid-19: Reopening the Workplace (video)

Preventing and detecting occupational burnout

Fact sheet 5: Creativity (FNQLHSSC)

Fact sheet 3: Entertaining yourself (FNQLHSSC)

Surviving guide to teleworking with kids (FNHRDCQ)

Quick reference guide for reopening the workplace (FNHRDCQ)

Fact sheet 4: Changing your habits and adapting to change (FNQLHSSC)

Fact sheet 2: Keeping in touch and working together remotely (FNQLHSSC)

Communicate and work efficienly (FNHRDCQ)

Fact sheet 1: Adapting to telework and getting organized (FNQLHSSC)

Travel Tool Kit

COVID-19 and stay on the land

Daily routine (FNEC)

Online Learning Platform (Cree School Board)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Calculator

COVID-19 Assistance Programs (FNQLEDC)

Risk factors for COVID-19 complications

Planifier pour mieux agir (French only)

Tracking the coronavirus (CBC)

COVID-19 Global Cases by the CSSEE (John Hopkins University)