Please see this important message from the Regulatory Operations and Enforcement Branch at Health Canada:
As some of you know, in January Health Canada began to receive signals of individuals and private entities claiming to have access to COVID-19 vaccines for sale. At the time, the target of what we now know to be fraudulent emails was provincial and territorial governments. Unfortunately, this activity is continuing and the list of recipients has expanded to include stakeholder groups and Indigenous communities.
We continue to work with vaccine manufacturers, importers and law enforcement to investigate these activities. In the meantime, as we continue to monitor for fraudulent activity, I would encourage you to report any offers of sale that appear suspicious (e.g. unapproved product, high volumes, short decision-making timelines).
Should your officials have information to share with Health Canada, they should engage the Health Product Compliance Directorate, either by contacting Linsey Hollett at or by providing information online at